Russian courses are open to all students enrolled in the University of Siena who are interested in:
- taking a Russian language exam on a pass-fail basis (“idoneità”) at A2, and B1 levels for 6 credits
- obtaining Russan language proficiency certificate at A1 level (useful for Erasmus application or cv)
- taking the Russian I language exam (DFCLAM exam code nr. 102916) after attending the Russian I language course (“lettorato”)
- earning extra credits or obtaining a CLA attendance certificate
Lessons are held by Irina Chevtchenko at the Presidio San Niccolò, Via Roma, 56 (Porta Romana)
- A1/A2 “lettorato” exams
- A1/A2/B1 exams pass-fail basis (“idoneità”)
A1 level (“idoneità” and “lettorato”) – Part 1: from September 30th 2024 to January 17th 2025 - for beginners – room 455
Face-to-face lesson times
Monday 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Thursday 4:15 – 5:45 p.m.
A2 level (“idoneità” and “lettorato”) – Part 2: from 24 February 2025 to 5 June 2025: - for students who have reached A1 level
Face-to-face lesson times to be published
Enrolment: You can enrol in the course by entering this page with your unisi username and password.
Bibliography for both courses:
- J.Ovsienko. Il Russo.Corso base. Il punto editoriale,Roma
- S. Chavronina. Il Russo. Esercizi. Russkij yazyk, Moscva
- E.Lo Gatto. Grammatica della Lingua Russa. Sansoni,Firenze - 1980( facoltativo)
B1 level in preparation for exam on pass-fail basis (“idoneità”) – from 30 September 2024 to 7 January 2025 - for those students who have reached A2 level – room 455
Face-to-face lesson times
Monday 4:15 – 5:45 p.m.
Thursday 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
You can register for the course by accessing this page with your UNISI username e password.
Bibliography for B1 course:
- N.Nikitina. Corso di Russo.Livelli B1-B2. Hoepli,Milano-2019
- E.Cadorin.,I.Kukushkina. Verbo e sintassi russa in pratica. Hoepli,Milano-2007 (advised but not mandatory)
Office hours: Thursday, 4:30 p.m., room 431 at San Niccolò or by appointment by contacting Irina Chevtchenko at
Programma idoneità A1 e lettorato di lingua russa I
Programma idoneità A2 e lettorato di lingua russa I
Exams (A1 to C1 levels) will be held in Room 431 at San Niccolò.
- 18 September 2024
Exams will begin at the following times:
- A1/A2 level – 2:00 p.m.
- B1 level – 3:00 p.m.
- B2 level – 4:00 p.m.
- C1 level – 5:00 p.m.
You can register for an exam by accessing this page with your UNISI username and password.
For validation of an international certificate of the Russian language awarded no more than three years ago, you should upload a copy of your certificate (in PDF, JPG or PING format) on our platform through this link and wait for a response.